
Volume 01

I love to wonder, to be a bit thrown off by what I am looking at. “It’s familiar but I can’t tell what it is or what it’s from…”

In my formative photography course in college, our final project was self assigned. I really enjoyed a project from earlier in the semester that had to do with the urban environment. I loved making photos of details and abstract lil’ bits of buildings, cars, plants, whatever I noticed. My final project was “Abstractions in the Urban Environment”. I don’t have any of those frames scanned digitally, one day I will get to that and perhaps show them here.

Finding abstract bits in the environment around me is still one of my favorite self assigned projects. I love to frame and freeze aspects of the world that most will pass by without noticing. The shapes, textures, forms coming together, lighting creating it’s own shapes and forms. It’s such a fun creative stretch of the imagination to frame these aspects of the world.

It’s my way of slowing down and looking closer. It’s my way of visually communicating the child like feeling of yelling to your friends and saying, “hey guys! check this out!” It’s my way of showing my eye for the details, for noticing the small little parts that add up to a larger holistic creation.

Hey! Check these out! I saw something neat! The banner photo is of a display of exhaust pipes in an automotive museum in Scotts Valley.


Cars - Volume 02